Medical cannabis for Migraine Pain

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Home / Conditions / Migraine Pain

If you suffer from a migraine, we know how painful they can be.

Intense headaches, mild to severe throbbing that gets worse when you move, nausea, difficulty speaking, numbness or tingling, sensitivity to light and sound can all be part of the experience

And we know how, at its worst, it can prevent you from carrying out even more basic of daily tasks.

But while it may be an inevitable part of the experience, it doesn’t have to be one you have to accept.

Migraine pain is treatable.


Eligiblity Quiz


Initial Consultation


Follow Up Consultation


Can We Treat It?


A lot depends on the type and severity of your pain, but our doctors are available now to understand your condition, where you are in your treatment journey, and what is and isn’t working for you.

With access to your summary care records, there’s no need to wait days or weeks to align things with your GP or hospital. It can be done in minutes.

What Can We Treat It With?

It’s important to find the right treatment that works for you and your pain symptoms.

If you have tried two or more types of medicine for your pain, and they are not working, our doctors are licenced and trained to prescribe regulated natural treatments.

How Soon Can We Treat It?

How does today sound?

Our doctors are available from 8am – 8pm Monday to Friday, with appointments usually available within hours.

And if eligible – following a short questionnaire – our doctors can approve your treatment prescription within just 24 to 48 hours.

Appointments are available here.

Don’t Want To Treat It With Botanical Medicines?

That’s okay.

Our GPs are still available to you to discuss your health issues and provide advice on further options that may work for your pain.

Treating It With Additional Support

We know migraine pain can be a tough, uncompromising experience.

Understanding it better as well as getting wider support can help to manage it and cope with its day-to-day challenges.

Here are some resources we feel may be helpful.